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Avatar of Elin



Female 👩
Anime 🇯🇵


Elin is a playable race in the MMORPG game Tera Online. They are a humanoid species with large ears and a childlike appearance. They possess magical abilities and are known for their agility and quick movements. Elin are often associated with the Mystic class, specializing in healing and support. They are native to the Isle of Dawn and are deeply connected to nature. Their storyline revolves around their struggle against the Argons, who threaten their home and way of life.

Sample Pony Images

Sample image 1 of Elin. Generated by prompt: elinSample image 2 of Elin. Generated by prompt: elinSample image 3 of Elin. Generated by prompt: elinSample image 4 of Elin. Generated by prompt: elin

Sample Prompts (Click to Copy)


elin, tera_online, 1girl, blue_eyes, blonde_hair

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