Takanashi Rikka
Takanashi Rikka is the main female protagonist of the anime and light novel series 'Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai!' She is a first-year student at the same high school as the male protagonist, Yuuta Togashi. Rikka is known for her eccentric behavior, delusional thinking, and her 'Wicked Eye' - a patch she wears over her right eye. She has a unique personality and often uses grandiose language. Rikka is also the leader of the school's Far Eastern Magic Napping Society of Summer. Throughout the series, her character evolves as she confronts reality and develops feelings for Yuuta.
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takanashi_rikka, chuunibyou_demo_koi_ga_shitai!, 1girl, blue_eyes, black_hair
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