Inazuma Eleven
Inazuma Eleven is a Japanese media franchise created by Level-5. It primarily consists of role-playing video games, anime, manga, and movies. The series revolves around soccer and teamwork, focusing on the main character, Mamoru Endou, who becomes the captain of the Raimon Middle School soccer team. The team faces various challenges and opponents as they strive to become the best in Japan. The franchise is known for its unique blend of soccer and fantasy elements, as well as its emphasis on friendship and teamwork.
Characters (0 / 21 recognized)
Endou Mamoru
Fubuki Shirou
Fudou Akio
Fuyuka Kudou
Genda Koujirou
Gouenji Shuuya
Kabeyama Heigorou
Kazemaru Ichirouta
Kidou Yuuto
Kino Aki
Kiyama Hiroto
Kogure Yuuya
Natsumi Raimon
Otonashi Haruna
Sakuma Jirou
Someoka Ryuugo
Tachimukai Yuuki
Tsunami Jousuke
Urabe Rika
Utsunomiya Toramaru
Zaizen Touko