Mass Effect
Mass Effect is a science fiction media franchise developed by BioWare. It primarily consists of a series of role-playing video games, with associated media including novels, comic books, and an animated film. The series is set in a futuristic galaxy and follows the adventures of Commander Shepard, a soldier who assumes the role of humanity's only hope for survival. The franchise is known for its deep storytelling, engaging characters, and player choice-driven gameplay. It spans across three main games, with the first game released in 2007 and the last in 2012. A new game, Mass Effect: Andromeda, was released in 2017, continuing the series' legacy.
Characters (17 / 31 recognized)
Dr Chakwas
Garrus Vakarian
Liara T'Soni
Miranda Lawson
Tali Zorah
Aria Tloak
Commander Shepard
David Anderson
Illusive Man
James Vega
Jeff Joker Moreau
Kelly Chambers
Ashley Williams
Jacob Taylor
Kaidan Alenko
Kasumi Goto
Mordin Solus
Samantha Traynor
Saren Arterius
Steve Cortez
Thane Krios
Urdnot Bakara
Urdnot Wrex
Zaeed Massani