Umamusume: Pretty Derby is a Japanese multimedia franchise that combines horse racing with the idol genre. It centers around anthropomorphic female horses, called 'Umamusume,' who strive to become top-tier racehorses while also pursuing their dreams as idols. The franchise includes anime television series, manga, mobile games, and music releases. Notable features include the unique character designs, the focus on both racing and idol activities, and the catchy music.
Characters (20 / 42 recognized)
Admire Vega
Agnes Digital
Grass Wonder
Haru Urara
Agnes Tachyon
Daiwa Scarlet
Fine Motion
Mayano Top Gun
Meisho Doto
Mejiro Mcqueen
Mr. C.b.
Narita Taishin
Rice Shower
Sakura Laurel
Satono Diamond
Smart Falcon
Special Week
Tokai Teio
Air Groove
Curren Chan
Eishin Flash
Gold Ship
Inari One
King Halo
Kitasan Black
Manhattan Cafe
Matikane Tannhauser
Mejiro Dober
Mihono Bourbon
Narita Brian
Nice Nature
Oguri Cap
Seiun Sky
Silence Suzuka
Super Creek
Symboli Rudolf
T-head Trainer
Tamamo Cross
Twin Turbo