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Avatar of Ivy Valentine

Ivy Valentine


Anime 🇯🇵
Female 👩


Ivy Valentine is a character in the Soulcalibur series of fighting games. She is a British noblewoman and an alchemist who seeks immortality. She is known for her eccentric and sadistic personality, as well as her unique fighting style that involves using her whip-like sword and her agility. She first appeared in Soulcalibur and has since become a recurring character in the series. Her story revolves around her quest for immortality and her rivalry with other characters, particularly Kilik and Zasalamel.

Sample Pony Images

Sample image 1 of Ivy Valentine. Generated by prompt: ivy_valentineSample image 2 of Ivy Valentine. Generated by prompt: ivy_valentineSample image 3 of Ivy Valentine. Generated by prompt: ivy_valentineSample image 4 of Ivy Valentine. Generated by prompt: ivy_valentine

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ivy_valentine, soulcalibur

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