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Avatar of Rosa Farrell

Rosa Farrell


Anime 🇯🇵
Female 👩


Rosa Farrell is a main character in the Final Fantasy IV video game. She is a white mage and the love interest of Cecil Harvey, the game's protagonist. Rosa is known for her gentle and caring nature, as well as her strong sense of justice. She is an important character in the game's story, helping Cecil on his quest to save the world from Golbez. Rosa is also a skilled healer and supports her allies in battle with her magical abilities.

Sample Pony Images

Sample image 1 of Rosa Farrell. Generated by prompt: rosa_farrellSample image 2 of Rosa Farrell. Generated by prompt: rosa_farrellSample image 3 of Rosa Farrell. Generated by prompt: rosa_farrellSample image 4 of Rosa Farrell. Generated by prompt: rosa_farrell

Sample Prompts (Click to Copy)


rosa_farrell, final_fantasy_iv

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