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Avatar of Zidane Tribal

Zidane Tribal


Anime 🇯🇵
Male 👨


Zidane Tribal is the main protagonist of Final Fantasy 9. He is a member of the theater group Tantalus and initially disguises himself as a thief. Zidane is agile, quick-witted, and charming, with a penchant for pranks. He possesses the ability to steal items from enemies and use them against them. Throughout the game, Zidane uncovers his true identity and plays a crucial role in saving the world from destruction. His character evolves from a carefree thief to a selfless hero.

Sample Pony Images

Sample image 1 of Zidane Tribal. Generated by prompt: zidane_tribalSample image 2 of Zidane Tribal. Generated by prompt: zidane_tribalSample image 3 of Zidane Tribal. Generated by prompt: zidane_tribalSample image 4 of Zidane Tribal. Generated by prompt: zidane_tribal

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zidane_tribal, final_fantasy_ix

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