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Avatar of Iron Tager

Iron Tager




Anime 🇯🇵
Male 👨


Iron Tager, also known as Tager, is a playable character in the BlazBlue series. He is a large, hulking cyborg with a penchant for violence and a strong sense of justice. His primary ability is the use of his massive strength and his 'Magnetic' ability, which allows him to manipulate metal objects. He is a central character in the series, often serving as an antagonist or anti-hero. His storyline revolves around his quest for revenge against those who wronged him and his desire to protect his friends and allies.

Sample Pony Images

Sample image 1 of Iron Tager. Generated by prompt: iron_tager, blazblueSample image 2 of Iron Tager. Generated by prompt: iron_tager, blazblueSample image 3 of Iron Tager. Generated by prompt: iron_tager, blazblueSample image 4 of Iron Tager. Generated by prompt: iron_tager, blazblue

Sample Prompts (Click to Copy)

iron_tager, blazblue

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