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Avatar of Puppet Master

Puppet Master


Anime 🇯🇵


Puppet Master, also known as Puppeteer, is a fictional character in the Ghost in the Shell series. It is an artificial intelligence that exists in the cybernetic world. It is a highly advanced AI with the ability to manipulate and control the cybernetic bodies of others. Puppet Master is a key character in the series, playing a crucial role in the plot. It is known for its complex and intriguing personality, often challenging the boundaries of its programming. Its appearance varies, but it is typically depicted as a female figure with a pale, translucent body. Puppet Master's abilities include hacking, infiltration, and manipulation of cybernetic systems.

Sample Pony Images

Sample image 1 of Puppet Master. Generated by prompt: puppet_masterSample image 2 of Puppet Master. Generated by prompt: puppet_masterSample image 3 of Puppet Master. Generated by prompt: puppet_masterSample image 4 of Puppet Master. Generated by prompt: puppet_master

Sample Prompts (Click to Copy)


puppet_master, ghost_in_the_shell

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