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Avatar of Terry Bogard

Terry Bogard


Anime 🇯🇵
Male 👨


Terry Bogard is the main protagonist of the Fatal Fury series. He is an American martial artist and the son of Jeff Bogard. Terry is known for his rebellious attitude, blue jeans, and iconic hat. He is skilled in various martial arts and has the ability to perform powerful special moves. His primary goal is to avenge his father's death and defeat the main antagonist, Geese Howard. Terry has appeared in numerous games in the Fatal Fury series and has also made appearances in other SNK games, such as The King of Fighters.

Sample Pony Images

Sample image 1 of Terry Bogard. Generated by prompt: terry_bogard, fatal_furySample image 2 of Terry Bogard. Generated by prompt: terry_bogard, fatal_furySample image 3 of Terry Bogard. Generated by prompt: terry_bogard, fatal_furySample image 4 of Terry Bogard. Generated by prompt: terry_bogard, fatal_fury

Sample Prompts (Click to Copy)

terry_bogard, fatal_fury

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