Precure is a Japanese magical girl anime franchise created by Izumi Todo and produced by ABC-A. It centers around groups of young girls who transform into magical warriors called Precure to fight evil and protect the world. The series features various themes, including friendship, courage, and the power of hope. It is known for its colorful animation, catchy music, and diverse cast of characters. Precure has spawned numerous seasons, films, and merchandise, becoming one of the most popular magical girl franchises in Japan and internationally.
Characters (24 / 30 recognized)
Aida Mana
Aoki Reika
Cure Blossom
Cure Happy
Hanasaki Tsubomi
Hino Akane
Houjou Hibiki
Kise Yayoi
Midorikawa Nao
Minamino Kanade
Momozono Love
Cure Beauty
Cure Berry
Cure Black
Cure Marine
Cure Peace
Higashi Setsuna
Hishikawa Rikka
Hoshizora Miyuki
Kenzaki Makoto
Kurumi Erika
Myoudouin Itsuki
Tsukikage Yuri
Amanogawa Kirara
Cure Sunshine
Misumi Nagisa
Yukishiro Honoka