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Avatar of Dante



Anime 🇯🇵
Male 👨


Dante is the main protagonist of the Devil May Cry series. He is a half-demon mercenary who runs a demon-hunting agency called Devil May Cry. Dante is known for his blue coat, white hair, and his iconic sword, Rebellion. He has a sarcastic and cocky personality but is also deeply compassionate and empathetic. His abilities include superhuman strength, agility, and the use of various firearms and swords. Throughout the series, Dante battles against various demons and otherworldly creatures to protect humanity. He is often accompanied by his twin brother Vergil and other allies.

Sample Pony Images

Sample image 1 of Dante. Generated by prompt: danteSample image 2 of Dante. Generated by prompt: danteSample image 3 of Dante. Generated by prompt: danteSample image 4 of Dante. Generated by prompt: dante

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dante, devil_may_cry

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