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Avatar of Urizen



Anime 🇯🇵
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Urizen is the primary antagonist in Devil May Cry 5. He is a powerful demon king who seeks to gain control over the Qliphoth, a tree that connects the human world to the demon world. He is depicted as a tall, muscular figure with red skin and horns. His personality is characterized by his arrogance and ambition. He possesses immense strength and the ability to manipulate the Qliphoth. Throughout the game, he plays a crucial role in the plot, often clashing with the main characters Nero and Dante.

Sample Pony Images

Sample image 1 of Urizen. Generated by prompt: urizenSample image 2 of Urizen. Generated by prompt: urizenSample image 3 of Urizen. Generated by prompt: urizenSample image 4 of Urizen. Generated by prompt: urizen

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urizen, devil_may_cry

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