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Avatar of Nero



Anime 🇯🇵
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Nero is the main protagonist of Devil May Cry 4. He is a young man with short, spiky hair and a blue jacket. His personality is initially cold and aloof, but he gradually opens up throughout the series. Nero has the ability to use his Devil Bringer arm to pull himself towards enemies or objects, as well as to grab and throw enemies. He also wields a sword called the Yamato. Nero plays a significant role in the plot, as he uncovers a conspiracy involving the Order of the Sword and fights to protect the world from demons.

Sample Pony Images

Sample image 1 of Nero. Generated by prompt: neroSample image 2 of Nero. Generated by prompt: neroSample image 3 of Nero. Generated by prompt: neroSample image 4 of Nero. Generated by prompt: nero

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nero, devil_may_cry

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