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Avatar of Dr Gears

Dr Gears


Western 🤠
Male 👨


Dr. Gears is a character from the SCP Foundation, a popular web-based creepypasta project. He is a former Foundation scientist who was involved in the creation of several anomalous objects. Dr. Gears is known for his eccentric personality, his love for tinkering with machines, and his disregard for safety protocols. He has been involved in several significant events within the SCP Foundation, including the creation of the infamous 'Gearhenge' and the 'Clockwork Soldiers'. His work often blurs the line between science and madness, leading to unpredictable outcomes.

Sample Pony Images

Sample image 1 of Dr Gears. Generated by prompt: dr_gearsSample image 2 of Dr Gears. Generated by prompt: dr_gearsSample image 3 of Dr Gears. Generated by prompt: dr_gearsSample image 4 of Dr Gears. Generated by prompt: dr_gears

Sample Prompts (Click to Copy)


dr_gears, scp_foundation

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