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Avatar of Scp-1471



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SCP-1471, also known as 'The Bald Man', is a humanoid entity in the SCP Foundation series. It has no hair on its body and is known for its ability to manipulate reality. It can alter its appearance and the environment around it. Despite its powers, it is generally cooperative with Foundation personnel. It is classified as a Euclid-level anomaly.

Sample Pony Images

Sample image 1 of Scp-1471. Generated by prompt: scp-1471Sample image 2 of Scp-1471. Generated by prompt: scp-1471Sample image 3 of Scp-1471. Generated by prompt: scp-1471Sample image 4 of Scp-1471. Generated by prompt: scp-1471

Sample Prompts (Click to Copy)


scp-1471, scp_foundation

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