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Avatar of Dr Rights

Dr Rights


Western 🤠
Female 👩


Dr. Rights is a character in the SCP Foundation, a popular internet creepypasta project. He is a senior researcher and the head of the Department of Biochemistry. Dr. Rights is known for his eccentric personality, dry humor, and his love for animals. He is often involved in the creation of new SCPs and has a knack for understanding and communicating with anomalous creatures. His significant plot involvement includes the creation of SCP-682, a highly dangerous and reality-bending organism.

Sample Pony Images

Sample image 1 of Dr Rights. Generated by prompt: dr_rightsSample image 2 of Dr Rights. Generated by prompt: dr_rightsSample image 3 of Dr Rights. Generated by prompt: dr_rightsSample image 4 of Dr Rights. Generated by prompt: dr_rights

Sample Prompts (Click to Copy)


dr_rights, scp_foundation

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