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Avatar of Max Tennyson

Max Tennyson


Ben 10


Western 🤠
Male 👨


Max Tennyson is a character in the Ben 10 series. He is Ben's grandfather and a retired Plumber. Max is a wise, experienced, and adventurous individual who helps Ben understand and control his alien powers. He is also a skilled mechanic and inventor, often fixing the Rust Bucket, the family's RV. Max plays a significant role in the series, serving as a mentor and protector to Ben and Gwen, and helping them battle villains. He is a key character in the original Ben 10 series and its sequels.

Sample Pony Images

Sample image 1 of Max Tennyson. Generated by prompt: max_tennysonSample image 2 of Max Tennyson. Generated by prompt: max_tennysonSample image 3 of Max Tennyson. Generated by prompt: max_tennysonSample image 4 of Max Tennyson. Generated by prompt: max_tennyson

Sample Prompts (Click to Copy)


max_tennyson, ben_10

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