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Avatar of Sango





Anime 🇯🇵
Female 👩


Sango is a main character in the Inuyasha series. She is a demon slayer and the younger sister of Kohaku. Sango is initially introduced as an enemy of Inuyasha, but later becomes one of his closest allies. She is skilled in combat and uses a sacred boomerang called Hiraikotsu. Throughout the series, Sango plays a crucial role in the battle against Naraku and the quest to gather the fragments of the Shikon Jewel. She also develops romantic feelings for Miroku, another member of Inuyasha's group.

Sample Pony Images

Sample image 1 of Sango. Generated by prompt: sangoSample image 2 of Sango. Generated by prompt: sangoSample image 3 of Sango. Generated by prompt: sangoSample image 4 of Sango. Generated by prompt: sango

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sango, inuyasha

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