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Avatar of Chief Thunderhooves

Chief Thunderhooves


Western 🤠
Furry 🐾
Male 👨


Chief Thunderhooves is a male buffalo and the leader of the buffalo herd in the animated television series 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'. He is a large, muscular buffalo with a brown and white coat and a long, flowing mane. His personality is depicted as strong, wise, and protective of his herd. He possesses great strength and endurance. In the show, he plays a significant role in the episode 'Over a Barrel', where he helps the ponies and the Cutie Mark Crusaders in resolving a conflict between the buffalo and the ponies.

Sample Pony Images

Sample image 1 of Chief Thunderhooves. Generated by prompt: chief_thunderhooves, my_little_pony , anthroSample image 2 of Chief Thunderhooves. Generated by prompt: chief_thunderhooves, my_little_pony , anthroSample image 3 of Chief Thunderhooves. Generated by prompt: chief_thunderhooves, my_little_pony , anthroSample image 4 of Chief Thunderhooves. Generated by prompt: chief_thunderhooves, my_little_pony , anthro

Sample Prompts (Click to Copy)

chief_thunderhooves, my_little_pony , anthro

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